Monday 25 December 2006


Well, Christmas day has arrived once again, praise God that all these years later, the world is still celebrating the birth of Jesus. Today marks the start of the rest of our lives, through Jesus' birth we have the hope of eternal life. Before He came, humanity was doomed through our imperfections - God asked us to follow His 10 commandments and now today most people couldn't even tell you 4 of them, let alone obey ALL of them - we're doomed!

Hope came and knocked on our door today - "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord" (Luke 2:11) because of His birth our imperfections became insignificant - we have hope of eternal life!! Praise God.

As I was leading the carol 'Joy to the world' in our Christmas Day service this morning, as I read the opening line - Joy to the world, the Lord has come - I remembered something I heard a while ago, 'The world is wanting a Saviour, but not a Lord'. It's true, we want to be so in control of our lifes, we dont give into Him and live a strangled/limited life - we have no true freedom. Give your life to Jesus today if you havn't before and find true freedom that we, the disciples of Jesus, talk about often! Life out the life you were born to live - Jesus is 'the way the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through' Him as it says in John 14:6.

I pray that this Christmas you find something special in this baby that you've never seen before - the baby that changed the world.

God bless



james said...

great to see you on a proper blogsite now! We gotta get a move on with our street evangelism hey? ive been busy which has been my excuse!lol hahaha anyway lets get back into it! Hava great new year!

Pete Brookshaw said...

Hey, lets get those miracles happening. I'm tired of Christians that are afraid of allowing God to work miracles through us. Lets build our faith and transform the world in Jesus' name.

Bless you Simon, have a great new years!

Anonymous said...

Hey Simon, May Our Lord Jesus Christ has mercy upon you Aunt and upon us all, We praise you Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless you Simon for what you are doing. I also pray that we listen to Jesus and allow Him to show us the right path to live our lives according to His will. I pray for everyone who does not know Jesus, that this year sees them open their hearts to the Holy Spirit and accept Jesus as their Saviour. Happy New Year, and God Bless,

Christine (Janelles Friend:)