Thursday 15 February 2007

Scattered flock - Where is the Shepherd?

Last night we had a forum with anyone who wanted to come to discuss Army issues related to mission, officership etc. We had a few turn up and it was lead by Major Raymond Finger. As the disscussions started it all just sounded like a clanging sound - there was no real content behind what anyone was saying. People were just giving the 'correct' taught answers which we hear over and over, word by word. Stupid sayings we've worn out, like we're out to save souls, but everyone just says it to impress the 'important' ranked officers and others there - it made me quite embarrassed actually.

When some serious questions arose, the people who were best to answer were pushed back in line by people who just wanted to hear their own voice and I kept hearing people saying 'I think...' and the people who 'knew' didn't even get to say a word all night!

The worst thing about the night was that no one really agreed on anything, we all are our own boss. If I want to believe everyone meant what they said, then we're an army of individual 'armies' fighting for whatever we want to fight for - where did the Bible and Jesus come into any of it. Not much at all really.

God kept reminding me of the early church in Acts where it was know as 'the way' where we were showing the world the way to life - the way to Jesus. We are all scattered sheep lost to 'the way' - so are people not finding Jesus through the Army because we're lost ourselves?

I thank God for people like Marney and Len Turner who are totally surrendered to Jesus and don't exist for themselves, it's so encouraging knowing I can go to them for real food and Spirit fed resources. I know God is blessing them and I encourage everyone to pray for them constantly as I do!

Another thing that's been bugging me is that the Salvation Army's community support programs are being 'combined' with other programmes like Westcare and we're starting to let ourselves be taken over by them. The very thing God raised us up for is now being dominated by other churches - that's great as long as it's being done, but then I think - are we now redundant? What do we exsist for now or doesn't God requre the Army anymore, or has He changed our mission and focus?

Oh great Shepherd, come tend to Your flocks!

"However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that agrees with the Law and the that is written in the Prophets, and I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man."
Acts 24:14-16


Anonymous said...

I have a lot I could say on some of the issues you raised but I think I'll just put one thought on the community support programs being combined and what the Army was raised up for.

The Salvation Army was not raised up to be a social program or community of believer who set up social programs. The Salvation Army was raised up to go to the people, fulfil any physical need and then introduce them to Jesus. You do not need a program to 'save souls' or even to help people. I say good ridence to any social program and raise up people who are willing to feed, clothe, set free, comfort and care for the lost themselves.

I'm not much for sitting around throwing out ideas at a forum, I'd rather be out there doing something than arguing about what the exact mission is, or what it means/the purpose of an officer is. I thought the forum was just a whole lot of big words. I say if you can't say it quickly, shortly and monosyllabically, then you're wasting valuable time with words. Just an opinion though, I have little patience for people who won't break it down for people like me who are not very philosophical, theological, or intellectual at the best of times.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick one, Westcare is actually a Salvation Army program, so therefore it is just combining existing Salvation Army social services rather than being 'dominated by other churches'