Thursday 22 March 2007

Let it go!

God really pointed out to me recently, how often I've heard passionate prayers about how the church is caught up in tradition and then begging for God to help us to move on. Yeah, nice prayer, but it started to get a bit old by the 15th time I heard it!

I think God pointed out to me that they wern't moving on, but they were allowing it to effect them and they were actually the ones who were being 'effected' by the traditions. I know God is telling many of us to do a new thing, but many, I have noticed are worried about what everyone else is doing and not what their orders are

God continually tells us, individually, He requires of us, so we just have to be obdient to that which He calls us too and not get distracted by what the world, or even the rest of the church is doing.

Big prayers are great, especially when they are from the Sprit and the passion of the pray-er, but it can often turn into a 'stand on the corner and pray to be heard' saga. Pray in the Sprit and don't be afraid to 'wrestle with the Angel until you get a blessing' . Pray without cease, my keyring remids me continualy.

Just a final note, Easter camp is going to be great this year, God's already been giving his prophets dreams for our preparation and His glory.

He is risen!! Tell the world that Jesus lives!

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