Monday 22 September 2008


Here in Australia, we seem to have what I seem to call, the 'Tall Poppy Syndrome".

When someone either stands out or does something significant and makes some sort of impact, where other cultures would most likely congratulate them, possibly give them a medal or an acknowledgement, we here in Oz rip them down instead.

Good huh! I'm sure I'm to blame also.

Within the Salvation Army, I heard someone the other day give someone else the title as an 'extremist'. This person who received this title is someone who does amazing work and stands unwavering for what he believes and is making a huge impact on the world. He has also received an unbelievable amount of opposition from people he fights alongside, who you would think would be supporting him, since they are on the 'same side'.

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (Mark 3:24)

How can the Salvation Army go forward if we do not support the people in the battle alongside us. If we turn on each other - the enemy has already one.

We mostly hear the term 'extremist' in this present days talking about the 'Muslim extremists' or some other people who are doing things that are shaking the planet in negative ways. I'll tell you now, soon a day is coming when you will be wanting more of these extremists within the Salvation Army! The extremists that we have now that we are tearing down will be the ones you will be counting on, they will be the people that you will be hiding behind when all the extremists go head to head - and I believe our 'extremist/s' that we have within the Salvation Army will make us proud in this situation even if it happened today.

We need to be in the business of producing and training 'extremists' for Jesus, people/soldiers/nutcases that really, truly have a relationship with the Saviour of every soul in the universe and will stand for what they believe no matter if they are standing in a pub/club getting pressured into drinking poison or kneeling with a gun to their head being told to deny the only truth that really matters.

We need a Salvation Army extremist leading the battle training up future extremists - the battle is stirring - I want to be ready - I want to be on the winning side (that's why I'm with Jesus!) - I want to be fighting next to a legion of extremists - I want a session of extremists that will not compromise.

Maybe we are entering into this era as we speak (or as you read)... will you stand up and join us?

We need you! Which side are you fighting on?

"Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
Revelation 22:12-14


Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder if those who are not considered 'extreme' are seen as ineffectual in spiritual leadership. Are we breading a culture of leaders who may be considered intimidating to some?

Anonymous said...

You make some fair points. I would suggest however that if the salvation army is not going to be divided than those who may be considered less extreme (whatever that means) must embrace and work alongside those who are more extreme. Likewise those who you label as extreme should also have extend the same grace to those within our organisation who may think, bleieve or act differently to your preferred mode of salvationism.

Acceptance and unity must come from both directions.

Simon Mapleback said...

I know what you mean anon about being intimidating, but that's the territory, 'they', extremists, generally are effective in what they do though.

Kate, division is not what we're after, but we all have a calling to different groups, so not neceserily a bad thing, as long as we cover the earth with our mission, preach and minister to those who we can. We just need to remember we're a team/unit and we're working together, we just have different giftings/'focuses'/approaches etc.

You are correct - acceptance MUST be from both directions - UNITY!

Thanks for your comments!

Anonymous said...

Although I agree that exremists get things done, it does NOT mean that quiet under the radar leaders do not. I fear that that is the forgotten truth in our territory. Passion doesn't necessarily have to be demonstrated through 'in your face' ministry. I take my hat off to those who use this gift, but, yes, unity is the key to reaching as many souls as we can!

Anonymous said...

let's keep in mind that aim of the war we are fighting is to get as many people saved as possible before the day of judgement.
It is not a war against walls (lets not feel we have to walk tghrough them to succeed)
It is not a war against quiet streets (i don't think i've met ANYONE who has come to a full, enriched life in Jesus through hearing someone scream at them on the street)
We are fighting a war against a stelthy Satan who works silently and sneakily to convince sinners they are on the right path.
We need to be stealthy and creative warriors for these PEOPLE... not their walls, not their serenity, for their LIVES and 'extremists' while able to shout and scream and speak marvellously in tongues end up repelling people.
I saw a great quote from a 'would be extremist' that 11 people were saved in just over an hour.
Great, they said a prayer... What then? Where are they now? Who is doing life with them? Where are the extremists now that the shouting is done and the prayer has been said?

Anonymous said...

To anon, it depends on whether you believe in "eternal security" or not. If you don't think people can lose their salvation, then why waste your time leading new converts into the intricasies of Christian doctrine? There are only a small number of true believers like yourself. With a world population of 6.2 billion or so, you haven't much time to lose. Instead, you need ways to speed up the process of "leading people to Christ".

One way would be through mass kidnappings followed by forced conversion at gun point. Before you condemn me on this point, think about the eternal suffering you would be saving these people from. A finite amount of torture on earth is, in fact, a good deed. Also, it would be a good idea to kill the people immediately after conversion, especially if you don't believe in eternal security. That way, they get to enjoy eternity immediately.