Saturday 5 May 2007

Go hard or go home!

I've just recently bought a new devotional book by Smith Wigglesworth a great evangelist of the early 1900's. I needed more devotional materials to quench a hunger of God's Word and I didn't want any modern material because today all our tools and resourses are watered down material of the Word of God that just doen't fill anyone.

Reading the words of this man Smith Wigglesworth, they are straight to the point not going around the round-about to get to a powerful point, but he tells it how it is. I wish we lost all timidness in our preaching and ministires and get out of our heads "people don't want to hear about God these days" and realise everyone NEEDS God and have a hunger for Him that is built into every human being that only can be filled by Him! Last year's Easter camp, one of our DYS, Mim Adams told us how it is without watering the message down and so many lives were impacted. I was so glad Mim did that - God had so much glory given to Him that night! God bless our DYS - Sandra Maunder and Mim Adams.

I've been orgainising a Salvation Army history night once a month for our youth meetings and I was just reading over some of the material from our last one. I was reading the part of how the Army started off in Australia, and when two Officers from England - Captains Thomas and Adelaide Sutherland were chosen by Willam Booth to start the Army in Adelaide they didn't even think twice about going to the other side of the world but just obeyed because they had given everything in their lives to God for His service and spreading the Word of God.

The Army took off at an amazing pace because the Salvationists weren't afraid to talk with everyone about their Saviour because they had such a strong conviction and a strong relationship with our Living God that people's lives were changed from darkness into light.

Today many (I emphasise many) soldiers today are so afraid to even let Jesus Name come out of their mouths! That sounds to me like they really don't have a personal relationship or true revelation of God.

If you claim to be a follower or disciple of Jesus, pray strongly against the enemy restricting your tongue from talking about the greatness of our Saviour!! Pray for boldness. Pray for breakthoughs in our world, just like in early Army days. Pray for a mighty revelation of God in your life. Pray God reclaims land in Jesus Name. Just pray without cease!!

Things of man mulitply, things of God explode. Pray that God controls your life, why not give it all to Him!

Jesus gave it all for us, but the world today wants to be incontrol of everything ourselves including us Salvationists. Lets try this week, this year, why not for the term of our lives, to hand everything over to God and live with Him as our Lord and serve only Him.

God is back on the throne!! Let Holliness reign. Sanctification is our aim. Saved to save! We're becoming Saints.

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labour in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain"
Psalm 127:1


Brian's Blog said...

Hi Simon, If you want some more from the Apostle of Faith (Smith Wigglesworth), it can be arranged. I too, appreciate his writing, along with Andrew Murray.

Ian Peters said...

You sound very critical of the church. Yes we let God down all the time, but is that for you to judge.

We're not all full on like yourself, many are full on for God in other ways.

The last time I read SA history the majority of souls were saved with the soap, soup and salvation formula. I believe it was the founder that said no point in preaching to a man on an empty stomach (or words like that). YEs they got to hear the Word but it was on a full stomach in clean clothes. People today are poverty stricken in many different ways, and just as hungry as they were back then. So often I see well meaning Christian preaching at people. Boothy's formula worked, because people are saved because they are shown the Grace of God through the action of faithful people as well as hearing the Word. Yes some of the programs forget about the Sharing of the Word, or maybe they're run by people are full on in other ways and are not fullon evangelists like you sound. Perhaps you may like to find a program and help them out by sharing your love of God with them while serving.

Your loudest sermon will be your lifestyle. God's word in action.

God Bless you and your ministry Simon. It is good that you are teaching your young people about the early SA.