Thursday 24 May 2007


Next Monday marks the historical day of Pentecost when God's Spirit was given as a gift to His people. Can you think about a time when you gave someone something for no particular reason. It would have been out of love, wasn't it?

A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend gave me a really nice new wallet. She loves giving things, she's got a loving and generous heart and she really enjoyed giving me that gift. God is the same (in many ways), He loves us and wants to give us blessings, but more than all - His Holy Spirit, not just any spirit, but His HOLY Spirit so that we can be Holy, or set apart and be different to the rest of the sinful world. This gift is not just any gift, if you receive it you will be changed, you will want to share God with the world and become an ambassador for Heaven. It's a gift of love!!

God is wanting us to receive His gift, His love. Through this empowerment God gives us power in our work for Him, Spiritual power from Heaven. I was just reminded of Acts 3:1-10. After being empowered by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the disciples went out in Jesus Name and things like what happened in Acts 3 followed and when they were in tune with the Holy Spirit, God is glorified. We as Christians need to be called to Holiness since we are reflecting Jesus, so we need to get past John's baptism of repentance and build upon that into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit to use us where ever and when ever for the glory of the Kingdom.

This Pentecost make yourself wholly available to God's Spirit and to its ministry in your life and through your life. The drought has broken - the Spiritual drought has broken, give your life fully to Jesus and don't hold anything back and join us on this amazing journey walking at the right hand of the Son, the King of all kings, the creator of the Universe who knows you and me better than we know ourselves!

Praise You Jesus, and thank You for the promised Holy Spirit.


Jim Knaggs said...

Thanks for this sacred expression.

Rob said...

Thanks for your encouragement. Imagine - you could detect that I was yelling even though I didn't TYPE IN ALL UPPER-CASE.

I'm glad we're not alone in this fight.

Brian's Blog said...

Hi Simon,

With computers, comes a valuable term for believers today. "APPLY"
The Holy Spirit, can give the updates, programme changes, setting alterations, etc. We are responsible to tick the apply box in our lives.
A timely call to receive, God's Holy Spirit.
May God's annointing on your life, continue to blossom, and bear fruit, for His Kingdom.