Monday, 10 December 2007

Yes, Lord, I love You!

I just want to share with you something I read the other night;

John 21:15-25

Have you ever felt a shame and sense of despair so deep that you wondered if you would ever be free? If you have you'll know something of what Peter was feeling. I meet people quite often when who wonder if God could ever look on them with love again. They feel a terrible separation from God because of something they have done - or something that has been done to them at the hands of others. Their grief is enormous. I'm sure God grieves too when we don't realise how generous His love is.

Just a few days before Peter had strongly, emphatically and repeatedly denied any connection with Jesus. What could be more terrible than that? Reflect for a moment on anything you feel has caused separation between you and Jesus. Could anything be more serious than an outright denial? I don't think so! Now join Peter in finding out the generosity of Jesus' love. Jesus sought Peter out for a walk along the beach. There were no words of reproach or disappointment. Instead Jesus gave Peter an opportunity to reaffirm his love (vs 15-17). A rather chastened Peter was not boastful in his affirmation. He know his frailty now. This probably equipped him to be better able to take care of the lambs and sheep of God's flock. Peter was not just forgiven, he was appointed to partnership in the work of Jesus!!


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