Tuesday 12 June 2007

Body of Christ

Once Jesus went back home to Heaven, He gave us the great commission. Then Pentecost came and empowered us with the same Spirit that Jesus had, the same Spirit to do all that Jesus did, and Jesus even told us we could do greater things than what He did.

We as the church today, are the body of Christ, we are Jesus in the world today to take off from where He left. The great thing is, God has given us all our part to play, so no one is doing it all, it is team work, we are a family which form the body of Christ.

Does every part of the body know it's role in the overall function of the body of Christ, not too sure, I know many parts thinking they are appendix's in the church today, which they don't know their function, but look in the ancient days, they didn't know what the brain did, they used to think we thought with our hearts - but once we mature and grow in wisdom we realise what the true function is for each part - same with the people in the church - the body of Christ.

Do you know your part in the Body? Are you functioning or making the body unwell. Do you need more vitamins and irons, more Bible studies and a better prayer life? Are you a cancerous organ that needs to be removed? Jesus is the great physician - He can heal anything!!!

"so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others, we have different gifts, according to the grace given us."
Romans 12:5-6a


Brian's Blog said...

Thursday morning some of the leaders of the Church in Morwell, will be meeting in the center of the shopping centre, for coffee, fellowship, and prayer.
Body unity.
Pray for us.

Simon Mapleback said...

Will do!