Monday 18 June 2007


On Sunday, our youth led the Holiness meeting - it was an amazing time in the house of God!!

God showed up and everyone present witnessed Jesus in our midst.

We didn't have just one message, but three - one pre-taped the night before, due to a last minute forced absence.

Our theme was the body of Christ. We, the ones who gave the messages talked about things such as Spiritual gifts, different body analogies, 'the body is made up from many members - but are one unit', etc.

The final talk was myself, and I drove home the point, we as the body of Christ are meant to replicate Jesus in the world today - and the biggest point was - Jesus was HOLY - so we should be HOLY also!

Leviticus 11:44 says "I AM the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be HOLY, because I AM HOLY".

We gave the chance for all in attendance to sign a covenant of Holiness and to pray for healing - since if one part of the body is 'ill' the rest of the body is effected also.

We had many come forward who entered into a covenant of Holiness with God and a few for prayers also. It was a very encouraging time for our corps!

A final observation too - as I said - the youth led the meeting but we had songs mostly from the song book compared to praise & worship songs!! There is soooo much in our songbook that is so rich in doctrine and Biblical teaching!! Our youth showed a really impressive depth in their relationship with our Lord and Saviour - I was so proud! I'm sure God was also!

"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."
1 Corinthians 12:12


Rob said...

Sounds like a great meeting. Too bad there aren't more meetings like that all around....perhaps there are and we just don't know about them.

I once had a CSM complain everytime we used young people in a meeting. His contention was that we needed to have a polished presentation for visitors to ensure that they wanted to return. Youth were too unpredictable and unrehearsed for him. Having said that, he was a wonderful man and a good friend - he just didn't see the value in having out youth participate in public worship.

Thanks for your comments on my dad's story. I pray that men and women are still being saved like that!

Brian's Blog said...
