Monday 11 June 2007


Well, I was just 'tagged' by James Thompson, so here I go, tagging away too: Major Brian, Major Gwyn, Shauno, Tish and Alana!! You guys are next...

OK, the rules: grab the book closest to you. Turn to page 161. Print the 5th complete sentence on your blog. Tag 5 others.

"If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible."
Leviticus 5:1

On a side note, if you just happen to be reading this in the Glenroy or surrounding areas, could you please leave me a message and please let me know if I know you and if your a Christian and if you attend a church and anything else you'd like to add! Well, just the first two would be great! Thanks, just interested in who's reading from my area.

Just a final note - the youth are doing the meeting at Glenroy Salvo's this Sunday and we're talking about the Body of Christ and how we are a part of that. If you're looking for somewhere to go or something to do, come along to 134 Cardinal Road Glenroy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - if your an interstate or international reader.

God bless!

"And God placed all things under His (Jesus') feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."
Ephesisians 1:22-23

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