Saturday 25 August 2007

The banquet

Tish and myself decided to have a 'party' tonight to celebrate Tish's full time employment and my trip to Rwanda just for an excuse to invite most of our friends round for a good time together.

We didn't hear any replies back except for one and also that another 3 people might possibly make it - but never got back to us. In the end 3 people turned up from a large number that were invited.

In Luke 14:15-24 talks about a great banquet, where a certain man was preparing for the banquet and invited many guests but they all ended up having different excuses and none of them turned up. This man decided to go out and invite people off the streets and in the alley ways and anyone else that could be found.

It reminded me of tonight!

I felt like going out to the streets and eating all this food that Tish spent many hours cooking with the people sleeping on the streets - people that would appreciate it (nothing against Tish's cooking please note!).

I have noticed that 'the way' of today lacks courtesy and manners - no replies, just rock up if you can be bothered and places no value of importance on anything really - this attitude is spilling over into our worship of God! Christians are taking the ways of the world into the church, it should be the other way - we should be taking the ways of the church into the world. That consists of things such as dedication, devotion, discipline, determination, reliability and most importantly - integrity. Even church attendance is reflecive of these things.

Time to lift the game disciples of Jesus - soldiers of the cross! God made us in His image - now lets repay Him and become like Him!

Lets not make excuses and miss the Great Banquet - finish the race and finish it well. Work towards Holiness and be like Jesus as much as we can possibly be.

Glory to God!

"And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple....He who has ears, let him hear"
Luke 15:27,35b

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