Saturday 5 April 2008


The youth of Melbourne Central Division had 24 hours of prayer that finished 7pm tonight. I only did 2 hours of the 24 but it was still a blessed time with God. I found myself bouncing off the walls, but I think it had something to do with the fair trade coffee I had with strawberry milk (we were almost out of normal milk...)

How can you have a relationship with someone without communication. I just thought of the movie 'Sixth Sense', how Bruce Willis' character didn't really talk much with his wife, but he kept going on with his 'life' but realised in the end there was no relationship, as such, at all.

To be a Christian, is to have a great relationship with the creator of the universe; that is something very special, but do you really have a close relationship with Him, or is it a relationship like Bruce Willis' in his movie where you just acknowledge God but keep going on with your busy life.

Remember, anything that takes priority over God is an idol.

Prayer, is the most important thing that a Christian can partake in. If you don't have a good prayer life, will God say to you that He doesn't really know you when that day comes? How sad will that be for your soul?

Romans 12:12 says "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

If we give God the bare minimum 10% of our day, that's still almost 3 hours in a day - so how bout spending at least 3 hours a day in prayer and study of the Word, challenging huh.

Prayer is not just great for your relationship with God, but it also encourages you and builds you up, so therefore you are able to go out boldly and change the world - all the power is in prayer!!
Remember the teaching from Pastor M.C. Hammer today, "We gotta pray just to make it today"!

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
Acts 2:42

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