Monday 26 November 2007

Connections 07 Debrief

Wow, what a weekend!!

The focus of our weekend here in the Southern Territory of the Salvation Army in Australia was being connected. We focused on the scripture of John 15:4 which says "Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you".

There were many different electives to attend during Friday and Saturday morning which allowed us to look at maybe what we should be doing and a chance to look at what we have been doing. How do they line up - are we doing what we should be doing? Something for us to think about as we go forward.

We had some non-Salvo's as special guests to give us an outside view of the Army's work and some views/comments made us think!

Saturday afternoon we had a rally through the streets of Melbourne, where many of the streets were closed off for us, and there were thousands of Salvo's flooding the streets. It was quite a sight - God's Army of Salvation.

The destination of the rally was Federation Square where we had a public 'announcement' time where the Commissioner and a few others, like our Territorial Justice Leader - Danielle Strickland, had a chance to talk to Melbourne.

We were told officially we weren't allowed to hand out evangelistic tracts or anything, but the Spirit led me to a guy. I saw this guy smoking early on and the Spirit pointed him out, but it wasn't until later that I actually talked to him.

This guy was born into a Hindu family but quickly became an atheist. When I started talking to him he didn't want to know a God or anything to do with it, but once we got talking, the Spirit took over!!

This guy connected with Jesus, felt the need for Him. He didn't want to commit anything in that moment because he still wanted to know more about Jesus first, but he was in love with Him - he really was!! I think if he came face to face with Jesus that night, I believe he would have been saved. He had repented of his sins with me and loved the concept of all Jesus stood for. So before I left this guy, I prayed with him and asked the Holy Spirit to guide him further into the truth and love of Jesus.

During all the afternoon at Fed Square, there were many bands playing and bringing glory to God in the midst of the streets of Melbourne - Hallelujah!!

Sunday, we had 29 Captains commissioned and sent out into the world to make disciples of all nations. What a time of worshipping our God - even if the sound wasn't there the whole time!

So much happened over these few days - this is just a scratch of the surface of the weekend. Possibly more will be blogged about soon.

Connections 07 was amazing - so much organisation - but so worth it!! Congratulations to Commissioner Knaggs and all the army of people behind the organising of this great event.

"But the LORD Almighty will be exalted by his justice,
and the holy God will show himself holy by his righteousness"
Isaiah 5:16

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