Thursday 22 November 2007

Connections 07

Connections has finally arrived!! The event of the century! The special time where we send out our new Officers (ministers) after their 2 years of training. This year it has been turned into a weekend celebration... if you are going to be near Melbourne Friday, Saturday or Sunday, the 23rd - 25th of November feel welcome to drop in!

Saturday afternoon we will be having our parade which will take us into the heart of Melbourne to Federation Square.

Please, as you are reading this, specifically pray that the Army will take the word to the streets and into the hearts of everyone we come across and that these people will call upon the Name of the Lord.... and hence be saved!!! Please pray this will be done, pray that the Holy Spirit will possess us and it is Jesus talking straight into the heart of Melbourne.

If you are in the neighbourhood, why not come and join in - we'll be @ Federation Square from 3pm Saturday 24th of November 2007. See the link above for the itinerary for the rest of the weekend.

Why not come and join the Army - join the battle!!

Give up your small ambitions - and COME, CHANGE THE WORLD
(Mark 8:34-35)

To God be the glory!

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