Sunday 10 February 2008

The walk of Holiness

How's your walk of Holiness going?

I ask because of a few things that have been brought into the light lately.

As Christians, we hope to become more like Jesus every day - don't we? We, as Salvationists enter into a covenant with God - God keeps His part, so ultimately it is us who needs to keep the commitment that we sign. How much integrity do we have with ourselves, but most importantly, with God!

I had a dream last night that I was moving into college to start my training for Officership, and I was sharing a room with someone else and I happened to see in his case a stash of cigarettes! Even the covenant for Soldiers forbids the use of these death sticks, but it made me so angry that someone training to become a leader and person of influence of this 'organisation' would have them and assumed to be using them.

There has been reports of other 'Soldiers' also breaking thier covenants by consuming alcohol also - but this wasn't a dream. What does this tell you about their integrity?

We're fighting more than the flesh in this battle, we need to overcome the flesh and sin and move to the real battle here which is in the spirtual! Get real!

As it says in one of my favourite battle songs "Raise the glorious standards higher" [SASB 696 v3] so let's take the worlds standards and live much higher - set the standard as it is in Heaven.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

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