Saturday 2 February 2008

Raining down blessings!

As I said in my last blog, God is with us, right beside us!!

When we arrived in Rwanda, they were in their drought season, I think it was due to end in a months time or so.

The first week we had our Feet First traning and on the day we started, we had all our sessions then a kids program in the arvo with over 100 kids, it was awesome. We finished and as soon as the last one of us stepped into meals room for tea (supper) the rain stared bucketing down!! We were called the 'miracle' people starting here, it was apparently due to us, and this was God pouring out His blessing on His people in this country. [photo attatched - it was heavy rain!]

After the first week, we then headed out to two different Corps for 4 days each, one Corps and one outpost. The day we arrived at the first one, at Kyenzi, Major Sharon gave the message. As soon as she started giving the message, it started raining!! Pouring!! Again - of course - it was us!! God was pouring out His blessings because of our visit.

The second Corps we went to, it was the fourth day, the day I was to preach. Just after the meeting started, it started to rain there, by the time of the message it was now raining heavily there.

God did show He was with us, and that He was to pour out His blessings during our time in Rwanda.

During the first week, on Wednesday night, we watched the Passion. Africans really wail when they cry!! After the movie, we sung Saviour King and had a huge prayer time, where some lives were changed - it was awesome.

The next night, Thursday, we had a night of prayer and infilling of the Holy Spirit - powerful night, God showed His glory!! Hallelujah!

Our theme, which I want to take throughout this year was/is - do you have your arms folded or are they stretched out ready to recieve from God? Think about your posture towards God for 2008

"I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."

1 comment:

james said...

thats so cool simon!

brings a new meaning to the phrase "pour out your blessings" doesnt it?

im back blogging now so hava look... lol see you soon!