Tuesday 1 July 2008

What are we doing?

There is quite a lot of discussion happening on the Salvo blogs lately. There was one comment on Marney Turners blog by an 'anon' which said;

"Do you see church as something passive, that you go to observe? or something in which you participate?
Is Christianity something you do or are?
Where is "the church" Mon thru Sat?
If baptism is by water can it not be by the Living Water and by the Holy Spirit?
Can a uniform not be a statement of commitment?
Can items of clothing be a constant reminder to the person wearing them of meeting a certain standard of behaviour?
As a friend of mine once said "I wont put a "fish" on my car because then I'd have to drive like a Christian" "

Some good questions to think about. Sure the 'church' has deviated from it's purpose many times, and still in many ways today, but is it really the church or people within the church? Yes, the people within the church are the church, but then I suppose then it can go into questioning whether the 'denomination' if it is correct or not, but that's another topic all together.

There are way too many people that call themselves 'Christians' but don't even know what God requires of them. Who would become a part of, or assosiate themselves with something they have no idea about, like becoming a lion tamer or a Free Mason for example without knowing what they actually do or what it actually means.

Christianity has much to answer for, or is it really people in the church that have much to answer for!? Back before the reformation of the church, the Catholic church became an entity that was all about controlling people in the name of 'God' which really was nothing like what God requires from His people - my God is a God of justice - that means people are liberated spiritually and even physically, not so you can do what you want sinfully, but so you are free from oppression and any form of slavery, etc.

I like the part of the above statement about a uniform being a statement of commitment. Many 'Soldiers' of the Salvation Army these days don't do more than observe 'church' and it just is a passive thing - uniform to them is something they just wear to just be a part of the 'club' and not for anything outside of the four walls of the church where it's true purpose lies; its funny that these people are slowly just wearing casual civilian clothes to worship, even footy club clothing I've noticed rather than their uniform.

Why did Salvationists wear uniform in the first place - because they wanted to show they were apart of the fight, were committed and wanted to be associated with this Army God had raised up, not just for it's Soldiers to club meetings to make themselves feel good and pat each other on the back saying 'you're doing a good job' but actually get out there save the dying and clothe the naked and snatch people out of the clutches of damnation on many levels.

What happened to that?? We lost the vision of eternal damnation. I'm sure forgot to study the Word and therefore the requirements of Salvation, became comfortable thinking that sitting in 'church' occasionally would give them a free pass into 'heaven'. I've had a few small envisions of hell and that 'encourages' me strongly to actually partake in our calling to save the lost! If you've lost your passion or your enthusiasm, read the Word more, pray more, ask God for a renewed passion for the lost, and even a vision of hell yourself - but as a warning - be ready for what you ask!!!

Arise Soldiers - enough is enough! - are you giving reason for God's enemies to blaspheme His Holy Name?? If so, stop calling yourself a Christian and associating yourself with God - you are doing the most damage to the Kingdom of God.

"I can't stand your religious meetings.
I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects,
your pretentious slogans and goals.
I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes,
your public relations and image making.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want?
I want justice—oceans of it.
I want fairness—rivers of it.
That's what I want. That's all I want. "
Amos 5:21-24

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