Saturday 7 June 2008


Today I'm taking my Corps out into the community to the new 'Salvo's Store' in Glenroy, around the corner from where my Corps is.

We're aiming to be a very visible & audible presence there with a few band members to be heard, we have face painting there and also some CD music for a bit of variety.

We're there to support the rest of the Salvation Army's work, but also to let people know that just around the corner is the 'church' side of things too, where you can come and be fed the living word and fulfil your destiny by joining us in living out our part in the Body of Christ.

Please pray that people will hear the most important message that resounds in this world as we speak to them today - Jesus wants to give you life through his death - but He is alive!! Confusing, no, awesome!

Come on, let's change the world, make it a world where everyone can live a happy and free life, free from fear and bondage.

Live as if it depends on you, and use the unlimited power of Jesus to do it!!

"He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets prisoners free"
Psalm 146:7


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, been hearing some good stuff from out your way.God bless.GD

james said...

sounds great simon! amongst all the attractions dont forget to preach your heart out! I pray for conversations that will lead people to Christ!